I love oxymorons and the phrase "Full of Emptiness" really seems to sum up my heart's feelings at times. It isn't like I can fit ANYTHING else in my heart, so one would assume that my heart is full - but yet it simultaneously feels completely empty. How is it possible to feel on so many contradictory levels?
I continue to try to focus on the things I know and to try to remember that value and strength are inherent because of who I am as a child of Almighty God, not who others perceive me to be.
The days I remember to be mindful of the creator of all things and to realize that He is holding everything in His hands are filled with more peace than emptiness. When I get distracted by my circumstances and listen to the voices that are trying to pull me into despair and darkness the feelings of complete emptiness threaten to overwhelm me.
I come completely undone every year with the 'holidays' in full season as I anticipate not being able to meet my own expectations of a 'real' Christmas. I am praying that I will be able to stop and listen and hear the Angels singing the only "REAL" reason to celebrate: Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”